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Connolly Family Creates Awards to Support UPEI Men's Basketball

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From fan, to volunteer, to financial supporter; Steve Connolly and his wife Marg have created the Steve and Marg Connolly Family Basketball Awards to be presented to members of the UPEI Men's Basketball Team each year.

"Marg and I know how difficult it is for student athletes to be at the top of their game while attending to their studies. Our family wants to acknowledge those players who demonstrate the highest level of sportsmanship while making a significant contribution to the success of the team. This is also a call for others to discover what they appreciate at our university and provide their support to it," says Steve Connolly.

An annual donation of at least $1500 to the UPEI Building a Legacy Campaign, matched by Manulife Financial, will support $500 awards for players in any year who have demonstrated a commitment to the team and a strong work ethic on the court during practices and games, and who have shown a consistent philosophy of putting others before themselves, even in the presence of personal challenges.

"Steve, Marg, and the Connolly family are great supporters of UPEI's Men's Basketball. Alumni and community financial support is vital in our ability to attract and recognize the best players for our teams. This generous contribution helps us to build a legacy of basketball excellence," says Athletic Director, Ron Annear.

Steve Connolly is a graduate of St. Dunstan's University who worked for many years as a teacher and counselor, then as a financial advisor in Charlottetown. Marg graduated from the Charlottetown Hospital School of Nursing. After many years working as a nurse, she has become a successful entrepreneur.

"The Connolly family realizes the advantage of a solid education and recognizes the benefit of athletics in building character and school spirit. This thoughtful gift is the most recent of many contributions from Steve, Marg, and their family to UPEI Basketball," says Kevin Lewis, Chief Development Officer at UPEI.

More than 50 new student scholarships, bursaries, and awards have been created by supporters of the UPEI Building a Legacy Campaign over the past two years. Generous families, individuals, and organizations have collectively given over $1 million to the University specifically for awards to assist students who achieve well academically and students who are in financial need.

To find out more about supporting student athletes at UPEI, please contact Kevin Lewis, Chief Development Officer (902) 894-2888. More information about the UPEI Building a Legacy Campaign is available at


Anne McCallum
Media Relations and Communications

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