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Changing Canadian Political Landscape Topic of Distinguished Visitor Presentation August 16

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The UPEI Distinguished Visitor Speaker Series continues Wednesday, August 16 with Steven MacKinnon. His presentation is entitled "The Changing Canadian Political Landscape." He speaks at 3pm. at the K.C. Irving Chemistry Centre on the UPEI campus.

The Right Honourable Paul Martin appointed Steven MacKinnon as National Director of the Liberal Party of Canada (LPC) on July 7, 2004. MacKinnon is a fluently bilingual native of Prince Edward Island and has an impressive resumand#233; in politics, government, and the private sector. He served as Executive Assistant to the Premier of New Brunswick, Executive Director of the New Brunswick Liberal Association, and Senior Vice-President of Hawk Communications Inc. in Moncton. His campaign experience at the provincial and federal levels stretches back to 1984.

Upcoming speakers in the Distinguished Visitor Speaker Series include Doreen Kays, former Middle East correspondent, and John Ibbitson, a political columnist who writes for The Globe and Mail. Kays will be speaking on Wednesday, August 23 at 3pm. Ibbitson will speak on Tuesday, August 29 at 10am (please note date and time change.)

The Distinguished Visitor Speaker Series takes place Wednesdays at 3 pm, with historic campus tours at 4pm, throughout the summer and early fall. Admission is free. In addition to Wednesday lectures, presentations are being scheduled at other times based on the availability of speakers. For more information contact Julie Mutch at 894-2834 or visit .


Julie Mutch
Advancement Services

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