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Chartered Accountants Bestow Highest Honour on Professor Debbie Good

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The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Prince Edward Island has bestowed its highest honour on a professor in the UPEI School of Business Administration. Debbie Good has been elected as a Fellow in the Institute. The prestigious FCA designation is reserved for chartered accountants who have shown exemplary service to their profession, the Institute, and the community. Professor Good is the first female chartered accountant to receive this designation from the PEI Institute.

Debbie Good currently sits on the Board of the Directors of the Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants. She is a past president of the PEI Institute, and from 1984 to 1991 she served on the Board of the Atlantic School of Chartered Accountancy (ASCA).

"Professor Good has provided, and continues to provide, exceptional service to the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Prince Edward Island. Her leadership and commitment exemplify the attributes embodied by the award," says Gordon MacFadyen, President of the Institute.

Since 2003, Professor Good has been teaching Management Science, Accounting, Managerial and Personal Finance, and Applied Investment Management at UPEI. She was a full-time faculty member from 1979 to 1995 and served as the Acting Dean of Business during the 1993-94 academic year. She has been a lecturer for the ASCA Summer School Program in Halifax and for the Society of Management Accountants of PEI.

"We, in the UPEI School of Business, are delighted about this prestigious recognition for Debbie. It is well deserved given her broad range of valuable contributions to the CA profession and its impact in the community," says UPEI Dean of Business Roberta MacDonald.

In addition to her successful career in teaching, Debbie Good has worked in the private sector in the food processing industry, in public accounting, and with the Holland College Small Business Centre. In 1998 she joined the Bank of Montreal's investment division, BMO Nesbitt Burns, as an Investment Advisor. In the voluntary sector she has served as chair of the PEI Health Policy Council, as a member of the National Forum on Health, the Advisory Council on Health Info-Structure, and the Smart Communities National Selection Committee.


Anne McCallum
Media Relations and Communications

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