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Summer Reunion Weekend, July 27-29

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Lots of smiles and laughter will be the order this weekend as over 500 alumni of UPEI, St Dunstan's University (SDU), and Prince of Wales College (PWC) are expected to take part in reunion gatherings during UPEI's Summer Reunion Weekend, July 27-29.

The always popular UPEI Alumni golf tournament, with over 140 golfers, tees off at 7:30am on Friday at Fox Meadow Golf and Country Club. The SDU Classes of '52, '57, '61 '62 and '67, as well as the PWC Class of 1947, will be gathering at their meet and greet receptions during the weekend.

The campus will be busy Friday night with the 23rd Annual SDU Alumni Mass is at 7:30 at the Steel Recital Hall, followed by a reception in McMillan Hall of the W.A. Murphy Student Centre.

The 20-year reunion reception for the UPEI class of 1987, as well as the Engineers of '87, starts at 8pm. Events wrap up on Friday evening with an alumni dance at The Wave, the campus lounge in the W.A. Murphy Student Centre.

Campus Tours are available at noon on Friday and Saturday starting at the steps of historic Main Building.

All Welshmen are invited to the PWC Luncheon on Sunday, July 29 at 1pm in McMillan Hall of the W.A. Murphy Student Centre. Jumpin' Jack Proude, PWC '47 and Robert Acorn, PWC'48, will share their memories of days at PWC and UPEI. President Wade MacLauchlan will also address the luncheon.

For more information contact: Alf Blanchard, UPEI Alumni Officer at 566-0761, cell 393-3711, or


Alf Blanchard
Alumni Officer

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