Sexual Health

The Health Centre offers confidential sexual health information and services for UPEI students, staff, faculty, and their families:

  • Birth control counselling and prescriptions
    • In addition to providing prescriptions for oral contraceptives, the UPEI Health and Wellness Centre also can insert IUDs and Nexplanons.  can help you determine if either method of contraception would work better for you.
  • Pregnancy testing and counselling
  • Condoms and other resources
  • Screening and treatment for Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) 
    • Self-test kits are available in some campus buildings
  • Answers to your questions, such as:
    • Am I at risk?
    • Can STIs be prevented and how?
    • How do I know I am infected?
    • What should I expect at an appointment?
    • How do I book a Pap test?

Drop by and make an appointment, call the Clinic at (902) 566-0616, or email