University Ambassador Award


The University Ambassador Award will be presented to a 小黄书视频 employee who has made a significant positive impact on the University by advancing the strategic priorities of their unit, department, or faculty or by fostering a sense of excitement on campus and promoting fellowship, goodwill, and belonging within the University community. 


All staff members who have served a minimum of three (3) years of continuous service prior to nomination are eligible for these awards. A person may be nominated in multiple years. Persons who have received this award within the previous five years are not eligible.

Selection Committee

The University Awards Committee will review nominations and recommend recipient(s) to the President. 


Nominated candidates will have exemplified campus spirit to the University community. Among the factors to be considered by the Committee will be: collaboration as a strong team player who promotes goodwill within UPEI; leading or supporting initiatives that advance the principles of equity, diversity, and inclusion; and/or, acting as a creative problem solver who brings innovative solutions to University challenges or opportunities.

Nomination Guidelines

  • The deadline for nominations is the last Friday in February in each year.
  • Nominations may be submitted by faculty, staff, students, or a combination thereof. 
  • Nominations must be supported by two nominators. At least one nominator must be a member of the faculty or staff of UPEI.
  • Nominations must include a dated statement of no more than two (2) pages proposing the nomination, describing and justifying the achievements in the category for which the application is being made. Nominations must provide specific examples to support the nomination.
  • Nominations are to be submitted in confidence to